Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Disfunctional Illusions

Some people have masks......They hide behind fake smiles and pretend there all right, they hope know one see's through every wall they put up and live in fear of the day somebody might. Some people have days they feel so awful that they lie all day long, they look them in the eye and they smile, when underneth they are miserable. Sometimes it scares them that nobody does notice. They want someone to know that there not all right but there to afraid to show themselves for what they really are, the fear of being ridiculed, to have people disgusted in them, is to great.

People have numerous reasons for being like this, maybe there depressed or maybe they have something wrong with them that they hide, like anorexia. Maybe they just dont like there lives or have problems with the way the world is they dont understand why we are here, what we are here for, how did this start. Questions they want answered but answers there afraid to know.

And it most definetly doesnt help that people can cause others to feel like this by teasing, tormenting, bullying, whatever.
Or maybe someone was joking around but does anyone ever really realise that maybe to the victim it wasnt a joke. Maybe it hurt them bad.

But to be honest this is no way to live, things happen in our lives and if we can get through it we will become stronger and someday our memories wont hurt us and our days wont seem so bad.
We are better of spending every day happy, with a real smile on our faces.

I was one of the people that realised that....but for some smiles just arent real life.

1 comment:

  1. masks sometimes feel like the only way out. It's a shame that most have to hide their true faces and feelings. I wish that masks could be discarded.

    I wonder if that would only make the world worse?
